Hello everyone it is me again and today I am going to talk about the relation of IT and ethics, more particularly about ethical egoism. I would like to start with an example so Jack believes that Jill should promote her own interest in accordance with ethical egoism. Jack might believe this, but he isn't going to tell Jill. He looks to his own interest first. This means that whatever we do for our benefit it is ethical to do so and it is not considered unethical to not act against our interest. Let's move to the IT field. How does this example connect to IT? We need to consider a situation, this can be a variation of things from a job and its compensation to competing for a position or a pay raise. For instance a freelancer make their own set of rules and can determine the amount of compensation they want in return. Most of the time it is considered rude but they are right in a way. They are a one-man team, doing a lot of hard tasks on a very high level and please be honest w...
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Hello again in my new weekly blog I am coming with an interesting topic. I would like to connect today's topic with a famous principle: if a person has control over any function, it can also be used to control the computer. To stick to this I will show the voice control systems in our everyday life. Some of you may have already figured it out. I will talk about Alexa, Google Assist and Siri. I have less experience with Amazon Alexa so I will start with that. Amazon released its device in 2013 or as far as I know Amazon copied its device from Ivona. This assistant system works as an AI and with internet connection the user is able to voice interaction, music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audiobooks, and providing weather, traffic, sports, and other real-time information, such as news. Alexa is able to control a lot of smart home devices like lamp switch thermostat or car charging. The biggest advantage is Amazon lets users install third ...
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Hello everybody this is my again and today I am going to talk a little about my prefered operating system. Some of you may already know I am obsessed with Ubuntu. Today I am going to show you two ubuntu distributions that I like to use on VMs Xubunut and Linux mint. When I am writing this I do not know the differences so we will discover these together. FIrst I will start with Xubuntu because I am using it much more than others. To understand the whole aspect I think we need to go through a little history. Xubuntu was released in 2006 June 1st by Jani Monoss as part of the Ubuntu 6.06 “Dapper Drake” line, which also included Kubuntu and Edubuntu. This operating system is created like a gateway drug. Basically it shows the good part of Linux and tries to hide the disadvantages as much as possible. Xubuntu tries to use as few system resources as possible. It is much more effective than Ubuntu but I must say it seems on the desktop, the details and resources quality much fewer...
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Hello everybody I am back and I am going to talk about modern word hacking today. Do not worry I will not talk about history and as such I would like to approach the topic from a very different perspective. I will talk about the ethical aspect of hacking and how it developed during the ages. Here are some examples from the early ages because in the early ages, hacking did not come with computers, it was already with us since somebody made a secret. Early days: Access to computers It is a tiny border, I am meaning the access is important because it develops the victim and the defender as well if they are able to connect or fight with each other. But we should not give the defender too much permission like to reach data from the data centers and why would he stop after hacking the border? It is an etnical and legal question: how far should we let the hackers? All information should be public Information should be free. IT information specially, products, everything. However, ...
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Hello again it is me and today I am going to talk about privacy and censorship on the internet. I am going to show how important and how easily we waive our rights on the internet. However, I am writing a blog. I am not that big a fan of social media and such. I am posting one picture every year just to notify my friends that I am still alive. I am sure some of you still remember FaceApp. It appeared in 2019 and it basically made the user older based on his selfie. It worked very smoothly and fast and what was very interesting was that it was free and I am not sure but as I remember it did not show any advertisement. In Hungary almost everybody used it at least once and nobody expected any threat from this tiny app. After 2 months of massive usage worldwide somebody publicized the terms of the app and I do not know correctly but it was something the user gave unlimited permanent access to modify and use the pictures which was used by the app. At that time most of the people...
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Hello again it is me and today I am going to talk about the Mitnick formula in the aspect of my home country. I am sure some of you already know where I am from, but who doesn’t I am from a little easter European country which is Hungary. Mainly this formula describes technology, training and policy with examples and it is what I would like to compare with my home country’s security situation. First of all I need to say I did not read the Art of Deception by Kevin Mitnick but I am planning because some of my friends have already read it and they really liked it. Moreover, I know that Kevin Mitnick was the first person who was diagnosed with hacker addiction. Hungary is a very difficult Country because it is not possible to check details on how the government works and such. What did I mean? We are Hungarians. We are hearing how perfect everything is and how much the government invests into cyber security but the reality is the Russians are hacking our services constan...
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Hello again, it me and the following Sunday blog is going to be about bad ergonomics examples mostly from console playing. I have been playing on console since first class so I have pretty much experience. There are two constructions that I think we need to talk about. At the beginning of this market vendors tried to show everything they had. It led to the same very bad design controller or the idea preceded its age. I cannot remember which birthday of mine was that when I got a very special present it was a controller to my Playstation. Its name is Jogoc. It has a very weird design because it has a steering wheel in the middle of the device. Its purpose was to drive more precisely in the racing games than the traditional controller. For obvious reasons it did not live up to expectations. Let’s move on to the next example which is called Soul controller. It was designed for samurai games. I would try that again with the ghost of tushima for sure, of course with some updated gyros...