Hello again it is me and today I am going to talk about the Mitnick formula in the aspect of my home country. I am sure some of you already know where I am from, but who doesn’t I am from a little easter European country which is Hungary. Mainly this formula  describes technology, training and policy with examples and it is what I would like to compare with my home country’s security situation.

First of all I need to say I did not read the Art of Deception by Kevin Mitnick but I am planning because some of my friends have already read it and they really liked it. Moreover, I know that Kevin Mitnick was the first person who was diagnosed with hacker addiction. 

Hungary is a very difficult Country because it is not possible to check details on how the government works and such. What did I mean? We are Hungarians. We are hearing how perfect everything is and how much the government invests into cyber security but the reality is the Russians are hacking our services constantly. On the other hand the EU GDPR is working correctly, the companies secure their customers' data and the National Cybersecurity Institution checks them regularly. So to summarize I would say Hungary is safe by person. I mean a person’s data is safe but the country’s strategic data is not safe.
The biggest problem is that our population's average age is older and in every office or workplace people are working with computers. As I read, these older people got used to the good old no password windows, where everything was easy. They are already happy if something is working and does not care about security at all. So I think my country and companies must put more money into these training,  because the biggest security risk is the human.

Hungary is torn apart to western people who know the risks and such and the elder country people who just use the internet and do not know how dangerous it is that and I think the government should educate them because it is good for the country if the citizens can see the threat in the field.
Thank you to read my weekly blog I hope we will meet next time.


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