Hello again it is me and today I am going to talk about privacy and censorship on the internet. I am going to show how important and how easily we waive our rights on the internet. However, I am writing a blog. I am not that big a fan of social media and such. I am posting one picture every year just to notify my friends that I am still alive. 

I am sure some of you still remember FaceApp. It appeared in 2019 and it basically made the user older based on his selfie. It worked very smoothly and fast and what was very interesting was that it was free and I am not sure but as I remember it did not show any advertisement. In Hungary almost everybody used it at least once and nobody expected any threat from this tiny app. After 2 months of massive usage worldwide somebody publicized the terms of the app and I do not know correctly but it was something the user gave unlimited permanent access to modify and use the pictures which was used by the app. At that time most of the people did not care about it, they said they are too small in the society to be a threat to them, but now in 2022 we are able to do deep fake videos with our phones(still do not suggest these apps). just imagine what if that app was Russian originally and now they make a deep fake with our faces in the military for example. 

Now FaceApp is shutted down by the CIA because they said there is a potential counterintelligence threat.

This is a very good example of how easily we waive our right and nobody reads the terms when accepting that. Unfortunately I do not read them either.

Let's move forward to the censors. I do not have any experience with the subject because I haven’t lived in that time when the censor was ‘popular’ I mean in communism but I heard a lot about it from my parents. However there was no internet at that time. I think I got the concept of it. So I have an opinion on the theme. I do not think there would be any censored content in Europe but I know it is not true for dictatorial countries like China, Russia. They need to block the information because these system would become unstable if the society get the true information. 

I hope you enjoyed this week blog we will meet next week.


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