Hello everybody I am here again and today I brought you guys a book again which came from Virginia Shea and the title is Ten Commandments. This book is about what a user needs to know before entering cyberspace. I do not want to spoil the whole book for you so I will pick one topic from the book and share my opinion about it.
I will share the most interesting paragraph for me which was about knowing where you are in cyberspace. Let me bring an everyday example first and there won't be any connection with the internet so far. So if a person is a part of the community that person needs to choose the right language form like formal or informal for instance and it becomes much more difficult nowadays, for instance I need to speak informal to some of my bosses but some requires the formal language. Other hand, it could be harmful if that person is too polite. I am sure everybody has at least one friend who is very polite with you and after a time it becomes annoying. So what I want to talk about is that this stuff exists in cyberspace as well. I am going to share what I think of it.
Response time like when a user is a part of the community online it is very important how fast the response is coming because if he responds too fast everybody will know in the community he is excited about this and other can easily take advantage of him on the other hand the slow answer let suppose the user reply after a day or two. This behavior makes our client unreliable and nobody will trust him.
Second example is the size of the message. If our user always writes a long and complex answer after the time the community won’t read it every time the user needs to find the accepted size of the message and here is the other extreme when a very basic and short message becomes the answer. Those also cause serious loss.
So this book mostly tries to find the best solutions to be a reliable smart person when we are in cyberspace.
I hope you liked this week's blog and we will meet next time.
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