Hello again it is me and we still stay around the rights of a creation. I am going to talk about ‘copyleft’. At the beginning I will talk about what is copyleft itself then I will show up with one of how I modified someone else's project and created something better. Spoiler!! without a copyleft system I could not do that in this way.
I am sure we can agree on that every intellectual property has to be protected by the law
Without this protection it would be easy to steal somebody else's idea and sell it on the market before the other individual even notices that. But what about if I have an idea but I do not have a resource or something that blocks me from implementing that idea. Copyleft helps me to create this with others. This technology allows to freely distribute and modify intellectual. The most popular copylefting was created by programmer and member of American Free Software Movement Mr Richard Matthew Stallman and its name is GNU GPL(General Public license). License splitted to strong and weak types it basically stiks the programmer how much the code can be modified. For example under strong GPL code if the user modifies the code but keeps part from the original code the new functionalities also have to be under the same type like GPL v2, GPL v3, AGPL. Move on and let’s talk about weak copyleft. It doesn't require that changes have to be under the original project the developer can modify and publish his work but has to sign that came from another project I will show how it works with an example The Mozilla Public License 2.0. If a user keeps the MPL licensed code in separate files, they can then combine it with additional and/or modified code to create an aggregate work.
So my example is libraries open source libraries can be modified freely but it has to run under the same name but if the developer create a new project common to use libraries which is protected by weak license so he can use the library but he does not have to run under the same name like the library.
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