Hello again it is me, today I am going to talk about the challenges of the global information society review.

The today topic is going to be based on a book (https://web.archive.org/web/20170221105053/https://www.eduskunta.fi/FI/tietoaeduskunnasta/julkaisut/Documents/tuvje_1+2004.pdf) check it guys it is interesting.

Pekka Himanen created research some years ago about the challenges in information society. It basically gives us 10 points that the society and government should take under consideration for future development.

Let me show you the most interesting ones:

  1. Everybody knows in the EU that Estonia is a ‘digital country’ that means it provides beneficial taxes and a law system for IT companies. However I have not lived here long. I noticed that at the beginning. Therefore Estonia became famous for innovation.

  2. I am from Hungary so we know what the population is and it is very dangerous for democracy and for rule of law as well: it is spreading easily in free and poor countries so basically in the eastern Europe.

  3. In the 5th point Pekka wrote about the information society and I had to realize we were in the second phase. People have started to realize how important the data that the big tech companies collect about us.

  4. The last and the most important for me is an enormous problem. It means the big It companies like Meta or Google buy small companies and don’t give them the chance to grow big so actually they ban the free market. Due to this the big companies grow that big that they are able to influence governance. 

Development scenarios introduces three social models, which in my opinion are still valid in 2022. Pekka claim’s USA has the upper hand and China is rapidly growing, while Europe is behind.

I need to say places are turned and in my opinion  I think the European model is the best, the most ethical and long term.
Europe has most of the ten mentioned reform values in its Information Society Model. I won’t go through all of them just to reflect one fact that I am really proud of. Europe in the part of  “Visionariness Courage”.

The basis, high-quality education system describes the importance of free information and importance of quality education. Nowadays more and more Engineers, specialized people are needed to plan, maintain and make innovations. In the whole world studying in a University is becoming more and more natural, which takes a huge part in the worlds development.


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