Hello again, I am going to talk about the development of computers basically from ENIAC to IPad. Where to start if not at the beginning. 

The first question is what is computing when someone counts computing. When the first humans started to count with their fingers in 2700-3000 BC, I would not say that it was computing. I think it starts when it is connected with electricity. To give respect to others I will introduce those machines that were used for computing without any transistors or even without any other power supply than a human.

Antikythera mechanism used in 100 BC it was used for astronomical computing
In grammar school I had to learn to calculate on  slide rules. I hated that I felt useless to use such a thing when calculators exist.

Let's move on to real computers..

I am sure everybody has heard about Alan Turing. Actually there is a quite good movie about his life, The Theory of Everything. Basically he is the father of AI. He invented the procedure with the help of which we can decide if the AI is able to develop themself. These 5 question is the following:

What was the most influential event of your childhood and how do you feel this event affects you today?
Who are you as a person?

Describe your feelings if you were to be given the opportunity to fly to the moon?
If you were to draw yourself as an abstract painting, what colours and shapes would you use and why?
What emotions have been involved in answering the questions that I have given you up to this point and what do you feel is the strongest question out of the 4?

He was also very good at decoding . He invented a machine which was able to decode the Naci’s code and win the 2nd world war.

I would put  Douglas Engelbart to the early ages of it. He invented something that we still use and this is the computer mouse in 1963. After this he still had energy to figure out the computer would work with a graphical interface.

Then the big milestone is in 1966 when the IBM developed the first magnetic disk and I would say this is the end ot the ‘Stone age’

Let’s move on to the Bronze Age. This is the time when the internet was created. In 1971 Ray Tomlinson was the first human who sent information through a computer network. One year later they sent the first long distance message. 

Next “generation” when a personal computer shows up and it becomes available to everybody by IBM in 1982. One year later IBM presented the next generation and it’s biggest advantage was the 10mb hard disk. In the next episode I will talk more about the technical stuff because the really interesting part is just coming. Those stuff which in our everyday life will be shown in the next article. So see you next time.


What questions to ask in the Turing Test? – Michael Rauch

History of Computers (uri.edu)

Divers find Nazis' Enigma code machine in Baltic Sea (phys.org)

A mindenség elmélete (2014) - IMDb


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